Lester The Bus Drivers, Montie Redenius; Anne Sunday, Independent Living Activities Coordinator; Karen Phillips; Steve Langerud, Executive Director; Sig Barber; Bruce Voyles; and Judy Hunter

Driven to Lunch!

On Thursday, January 17th, five of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell, Iowa) Lester the Bus drivers were feted to lunch as a thank-you for their volunteer work. Pictured are, left to right, Montie Redenius; Anne Sunday, Independent Living Activities Coordinator; Karen Phillips; Steve Langerud, Executive Director; Sig Barber; Bruce Voyles; and Judy Hunter. Anne and Steve…

Grinnell College Tracksters Mayflower hosted dinner

Running for Dinner!

On Tuesday, January 15th, the men’s and women’s Grinnell College track teams came to dinner in the Mayflower Community Buckley Dining Room. Stranded in the dorms during winter break, the young men and women enjoyed Mayflower hospitality and, of course, outstanding food. On the menu for the 62 guests and hosts were zucchini tofu with…

Music Speaks therapy group

Music Therapy at Work with Mayflower Residents

Music Speaks therapy began at The Mayflower Community, Grinnell, Iowa in December 2018. The local music therapist, Kelly Robertson, visits our low-stimulus South neighborhood once a week to conduct a small group therapy session, which is monitored by Mayflower staff. Music therapy is a clinical- and evidenced-based practice conducted by a trained therapist. Non-musical goals…