Music Speaks therapy group

Music Therapy at Work with Mayflower Residents

Music Speaks therapy began at The Mayflower Community, Grinnell, Iowa in December 2018. The local music therapist, Kelly Robertson, visits our low-stimulus South neighborhood once a week to conduct a small group therapy session, which is monitored by Mayflower staff. Music therapy is a clinical- and evidenced-based practice conducted by a trained therapist. Non-musical goals…

senior strength training class

Staying Fit

Residents of The Mayflower Community, Grinnell, Iowa are staying fit and flexible by participating in a twice-weekly exercise class called “Senior Strength.” The class is led by certified Wellness Specialist, Kayley Thompson. Kayley, an employee of UPH-Grinnell Regional Medical Center, spends time each week at Mayflower conducting wellness classes. The Senior Strength class starts with…

Rhonda disinfecting the chairs in Buckley Dinning Hall

The Fight Continues

The Mayflower Community is not taking any chances against the flu bug lying around in public areas! Our daily routine includes disinfection of all shared surfaces and special cleaning of common areas. The photo above shows Housekeeper Rhonda Rawlins hard at work cleaning and disinfecting chairs in the Buckley Dining Room. (Just to be clear,…

disinfecting campus with Clorox 360

Fighting Back!

The Mayflower Community is being proactive in attacking flu germs to avoid them getting a foothold. The focus is the entire campus—Health Center, South Neighborhood, Beebe Assisted Living, independent living apartments, meeting rooms, and common areas. This includes a daily routine of stepped-up cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting. Assisting Mayflower in this battle is new technology…

Flu image

No. Not the Flu!

Flu season is upon us. It is time to get a head start to avoid flu playing havoc with your life. Information about flu and its treatment is provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). What are the symptoms? They could be some or all of these: fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy…

Mayflower Health Center Sign

New Year. New Mayflower Offerings

Enhancements have been made in Mayflower’s Health Center, a fully licensed nursing care facility. Now featured in the South community is a low-stimulus environment, specializing in care for residents with chronic and life-limiting conditions. Included is palliative care that provides comfort to residents when their medical conditions cannot be stabilized or improved. Our staff in…

Mayflower residents at the New years Eve buffet

New Year’s Eve at Mayflower

Pictured at the buffet line are (left to right) Wilma Vosburg, Selva Lehman, Pat Groth, Walda Gustafson, Jack Gustafson. Chinese buffet and a movie. Warm and cozy inside. Short walk home afterwards….maybe before 12:00midnight. It doesn’t get any better! Residents and their guests enjoyed Chinese appetizers prepared fresh in the Mayflower kitchen. Then, the movie,…