Mayflower story time - Anne Sunday telling her story

Oh, Can Mayflower Residents Tell Stories!

On February 25th, residents of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) shared a light supper of homemade soup and fixings in the snow-backdropped Buckley Dining Room. Then, they warmed up with each other’s stories of their youth. Neighborhood. Town. Friendships. School experiences. Expectations. A number of interesting revelations were made. These experiences shaped many speakers’ lives.…

Food Services Director, Scott Gruhn with his food services staff members

Who Is Scott Gruhn?

Mayflower’s Scott Gruhn (rhymes with “swoon,” like people do with his food!) is the architect of Open Dining for residents in independent living and nursing care. In Grinnell, Scott’s name is synonymous with great food, quality presentation, and cordial catering. Scott has held the position of Food Service Director at The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA)…

kitchen illustration for open dining concept remodel

Open Dining…It’s Coming!

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell, Iowa) is in the process of a $500,000 remodeling project to convert kitchens into fully-functioning preparation and serving facilities for the Health Center and for the independent living Buckley Dining Room. The Beebe Assisted Living kitchen will be converted at a later date. Currently, all hot and cold meals are prepared…

Alicemary Borthwick, Art Heimann, Merle Zirkle, Nancy Hendrickson, Jo Entwisle, Dorothy Christinson, Lyle Kuehl, John Noer, Dorothy Noer, and Netia Worley enjoying Koffee and Konversation

Connecting Over Coffee

Every Friday morning, a group of Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) residents gathers over refreshments in what is called “Koffee and Konversation.” Typically, one person will bring a subject for discussion. Recently, it was, “So, what do you do on a snowy day when you can’t go outside.” These are creative residents! Pictured above in the…

Little brown church illustration

Today’s Tickle

Mayflower posted information yesterday about the annual election of officers and committee members by the Mayflower Residents Association (MRA). The incoming MRA President is “Linda Myren.” A reader raised a question in the comment section of this post. This is what followed: Facebook Reader: Linda Myren. Why is that name familiar? Mayflower Community Response: Linda…

Mayflower Community Resident Association elections were held on January 21, 2019

Mayflower Residents Association Slate Elected

On January 21st, the Mayflower Residents Association (MRA) elected officers and standing committee members for the 2019 calendar year. The officers are Linda Myren, President; Gayle Strickler, Jr., Vice-President; Kent and Katherine McClelland, Co-Past Presidents; Suzanne Schwengels, Secretary; Jeananne Schild, Assistant Secretary; Montie Redenius, Treasurer; Gene Herman, Assistant Treasurer; Char Ewan, Historian. In addition, 69…

february 17 snowfall at Mayflower Community

Getting tired of snow!

You’d think it was nothing but beautiful, if you lived at Mayflower! We’ve already been scooped twice today with more pushing and shoveling to come this afternoon and evening. As a San Diegoian said on the February day she moved in, “I am looking forward to watching out my apartment window while the white stuff…

Gerry Adams "this is better than any ol' cruise!"

Mayflower + Valentine’s Day = Prime Rib

Last night (February 14th), residents and guest of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell, Iowa) celebrated Valentine’s Day with fine dining: cooked-to-order prime rib, twice-baked potato, salad, roll, and homemade chocolate lava cake. The dining followed a social hour that included wine and bubbly and lots of conversation. The setting—the beautiful cherry wood Buckley Dining Room—was framed…