Pollak and Herman exercising in the Obermiller Center

Best Exercises for Seniors

Dr. Julie Broderick provides tips about the best age-related forms of exercise. Dr. Broderick is an Assistant Professor in the Trinity College Dublin Department of Physiotherapy. She holds an honours degree (BSc.) in Physiotherapy, a Masters in Exercise Physiology (MSc.) and a Post-graduate Diploma in Statistics (H. Dip.) from Trinity College. Dr. Broderick has worked…

John Noer on WHO-TV 13 segment

John Noer Made It Big-Time

John Noer, Mayflower Community resident and puzzle-master, finally made it big-time! He was featured last evening on a WHO-TV (Des Moines) new segment. The snippet was about John’s 40,000-piece puzzle in process. Even though she was not mentioned, Mayflower CMA, Hannah Snodgrass, is shown in the video as she referred the story to Channel 13.…