
Parts of the United States are experiencing a measles outbreak. Fortunately, that does not include Iowa at this time, but precautions are always important. This message contains information from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The applicable website is: Measles starts with fever, runny nose, cough, red eyes, and sore throat.…

Mayflower Community Patio Home

Mayflower Is Getting Full

The Mayflower Community has 49 freestanding patio homes, 81 traditional apartments, and 26 all-new suites in the Watertower Square building. 155 places to live enjoying complete freedom to come and go, cooking kitchens, and access to all of the Mayflower amenities. This includes healthcare in our Health Center or Beebe Assisted Living someday, if needed.…

Chery Nelson MCs the Club 90 Celebration

Mayflower’s Club 90 Celebrates Another Year

On Wednesday, April 10th, over 100 residents and guests gathered for The Mayflower Community’s (Grinnell IA) annual “Club 90” event. The 60-year old club presented an afternoon desert, program, and music to celebrate Mayflower residents who are nonagenarians—90 or more years old. 45 honorees live on the Mayflower campus. The program included remarks by resident…