Armchair Travel in Kiesel Theater

Armchair Travel Is Easy

The April session of Mayflower Community’s “Armchair Travel” was presented in the Kiesel Theatre on the 23rd. The films for this session featured New Guinea, Southern England, and various Iowa counties. Hosted and arranged by Mayflower resident, Shane Estes, the series runs once a month on a Tuesday afternoon. These vivid videos help one apparate…

Easter Bunny visits Mayflower Community

The Easter Bunny Stopped at Mayflower

On Friday, April 19th, the Easter Bunny left a bunch of plastic eggs filled with chocolates in the Mayflower Community Buckley Courtyard. The Bunny was a bit tired out by all that laying, so she/he hung around to watch the eggs being gathered by the children and grandchildren of Mayflower employees. We are not allowed…

solid wast bin image

City of Grinnell Solid Waste Pick-Up

Curbside pick-up in Grinnell is a’changing. Here is information from the City’s website: “All residents and businesses outside of the Central Business District are receiving rolling solid waste carts this week. Delivery should be complete by the end of the day on April 18th. Collection with the new truck and carts will start the week…