Grinnell College students to become CNAs.

College Student CNAs at Mayflower Pass!

The ten Grinnell College students who spent their winter break in Grinnell taking Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) classes and performing clinical training in the Mayflower Health Center, all passed their certification testing on Monday, January 20th! The examination process included a skills portion, where the students had to demonstrate universal precautions, resident safety, and health…

The Pearson Circle after a snowstorm.

How to Survive Winter in Grinnell

The weather outside is frightful, but the temperature inside is comfortable…in The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA). With five apartment buildings, an assisted living building, and the Health Center all connected via tunnels, breezeways, and skywalks, there is no battling the elements here. In fact, there is no impending “cabin fever.” Inside, without coats, our residents…