Deena blows out her birthdaycandle

Deena Wellborn Celebrates Her 90th at Mayflower

On Wednesday, July 20th, Deena Wellborn, a Beebe Assisted Living resident in The Mayflower Community, celebrated her 90th birthday. Mayflower’s Foodservices staff provided the most delicious red velvet and vanilla cupcakes and strawberry punch in Beebe. In the Health Center, the cupcakes were champagne and the punch was orange and pineapple with floating slices. You…

Roasted Bone-in Lamb w Briam Roasted Veggies

It Was Greek to Us at Mayflower

On Tuesday, July 19th, Grinnell’s The Mayflower Community celebrated our fine dining with a Greek Dinner. 60 residents and guests enjoyed a four-course menu plus social time. The food array included: Social – Spiced Wine Hippocrates Calamari – Fried calamari with dipping sauce and lemon Spanakopita – Spinach, feta, onions, and scallions in flaky phyllo…

Leia Sohn & Netia making buttons

Button. Button. Who Is Making the Button?

On Friday, July 15th, two volunteers from the Grinnell Area Council assisted The Mayflower Community Health Center residents in making buttons. Pictured are Mayflower residents with Zainab Thompson and Leia Sohn, Grinnell College students and volunteers at the Stew Maker Space. — Tracy Woolfolk, Community Life and Wellness Coordinator

Dennis Perry Plays Carman Center

Another Musician Plays the Mayflower Carman Center

The Community Life and Wellness staff of The Mayflower Community, Leslie Davidson, Director, and Tracy Woolfolk and Jessica Hasenyager, Coordinators, plan numerous musical performances for Mayflower residents in the Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living. When the weather is conducive, the events take place outside on our campus. Otherwise, the acoustical gem, Mayflower’s Carman Center,…

Grinnell College students play for residents

College Students Entertain at Mayflower

On Saturday, June 25th, two Grinnell College students volunteered to spend time with residents in The Mayflower Community’s Health Center. Mayflower’s Community Life and Wellness Coordinator, Jessica Hasenyager, was connected to the young women because they are both Grinnell College tennis players coached by her husband Zack Hasenyager, the Head Men’s and Women’s coach. Sabrina…