Driven to Lunch!

On Thursday, January 17th, five of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell, Iowa) Lester the Bus drivers were feted to lunch as a thank-you for their volunteer work. Pictured are, left to right, Montie Redenius; Anne Sunday, Independent Living Activities Coordinator; Karen Phillips; Steve Langerud, Executive Director; Sig Barber; Bruce Voyles; and Judy Hunter. Anne and Steve don’t drive; they were just getting in on the free lunch!

Other drivers not pictured include Greg Buntz; Lyle Roudabush; Kevin Stutz; and Johnny Khuu, resident intern.

Mayflower’s “Lester the Bus” shuttle van can seat 14 passengers plus the driver. When driven by volunteers, transportation is free to residents for activities around Grinnell. For out-of-town excursions, a small fee is charged to recover gas money. The volunteer drivers have passed an on-line study course and test along with a background check.

Regular runs include Wednesday shopping trips to McNally’s, Fairway, Hy-Vee, and Walmart plus events at Grinnell College. During the basketball season, rides are provided to selected men’s and women’s College games. The volunteer drivers make all this possible.

– Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director