Mayflower Is Getting Full

The Mayflower Community has 49 freestanding patio homes, 81 traditional apartments, and 26 all-new suites in the Watertower Square building. 155 places to live enjoying complete freedom to come and go, cooking kitchens, and access to all of the Mayflower amenities. This includes healthcare in our Health Center or Beebe Assisted Living someday, if needed.

273 residents live in The Mayflower Community, enjoying some of the finest food in town—in our full dining room, in our two bistros, at special themed meals, or in your home with our catering.

As of today, there are no available Harwich Terrace patio homes and only three available apartments (two standard-sized one bedrooms and one larger one-bedroom). This is good news, of course, if you already live in The Mayflower Community. However, if you are thinking about moving here, it is best to get on our Active Wait-List. There is always resident transition, so it is best to get in line.

In addition, all 20 apartments in our Beebe Assisted Living facility are full or committed.

To get in priority order, visit our How To Apply page and download the fillable application form. When complete—one for each party—print and mail to us (616 Broad Street, Grinnell, Iowa 50112) along with a check for your application fee of $500, refundable when you move here.

Don’t miss this chance!

– Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director