Mayflower Green Thumbs Are Producing

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) has available to its residents, a sizable garden patch on the north side of 2nd Avenue, between Broad and Park streets. Every spring Mayflower tills the ground, which has a water spigot in the garden. Residents take it from there.

This year as in prior years, resident Katherine McClelland is serving as garden coordinator. Residents are assigned plots within the garden and do their own planting, weeding, and harvesting. The plantings are mostly vegetables, but there are some flowers at one end.

Recently, Katherine announced the status of the garden’s produce: “Please feel free to pick and use the lettuce on the whole west side of the garden. Next week it will start to get bitter with the heat. Behind the row of lettuce are colorful tomato cages at the west end. When the tomatoes in cages ripen, feel free to pick them.”

“There is a zucchini plant in a short cage, one pepper plant, and a basil plant. In the same row, without any cages are a parsley plant, more basil, which has just been planted, and lots of kale. A few onions may get planted as well.”

It makes sense in the Grinnell community, which is the home to commercial truck gardens, that Mayflower residents have joined in the growing fun.

-Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director