Mayflower Celebrates the 4th of July

Mayflower Community's 4th of July parade float
Mayflower Community’s 4th of July parade float

On Thursday, July 4th, Mayflower Community residents along with many Grinnell area folks were entertained by Mayflower residents and a bunch of other locals during Grinnell’s annual Parade.

Prior to the Parade, residents Debi Olson and Jo Bolton distributed hand-held United States flags to Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living residents and Harwich Terrace residents, along with a supply for the campus apartment residents. Many brought the flags to wave during the Parade.

The Mayflower Parade entourage followed Grinnell Mayor Dan Agnew, a Mayflower resident, being driven by his wife Nancy…the power behind the throne!

Following Dan and Nancy was the Mayflower ship being pulled by Lyle and Carolyn Roudabush. The ship was the handiwork of residents, Dan Agnew, Darwin Kinne, Lyle Roudabush, and Dick Vogel. Complete with masts and sails, authentic helm (steering wheel), anchor, and waves, the ship was a replica of the original Mayflower that delivered Pilgrims to America in 1620.

Also included in the Mayflower Parade vehicles were Facilities staff golf carts, supporting the walkers who distributed treats. One cart carried a bubble machine that caused the whole group to glisten. Walkers and drivers included Dotty Blazek, Jo Bolton, Greg and Bonnie Buntz, Gene and Kathy Herman, Darwin Kinne and Suzanne Schwengels, Kellie McGriff, John Noer, Debi Olson, Don and Jeananne Schild, Iann Veldhuizen, and Dick and Sis Vogel.

Planning committee members who did not walk in the Parade, included Harriet Adelberg, Linda Myren, and Steve Langerud.

In addition, a number of independent living Mayflower residents assisted Health Center residents street-side, to the site of the parade. A fun time was had by all!

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director