Accessing Areas of Mayflower’s Health Center

In an effort to avoid the spread of airborne illness and to provide a more relaxed atmosphere for Mayflower Health Center residents, the first floor of the Health Center, 600 Park Street, will now have limited access for visitors.

The main doors to the Health Center are now locked from the outside and from the inside. In order to use them, a buzzer release system is in place for use by staff. In addition, access to the elevator FROM THE FIRST FLOOR will be restricted by a keypad.

To avoid excess first-floor traffic, we offer two other routes to the lower level (Total Rehab office, Obermiller Center fitness room, Sports Room) and to the second floor (Carman Center, Parlor Salon, Fireside Room, and administrative offices).

First, there is a stairway route via the private entrance door to the south of the Health Center main entrance. This requires a keypad code that is available to residents by calling Deb Jack, the Person receptionist (236-6151).

Second, there is the skywalk route from the Beebe building to the second floor of the Health Center. The skywalk can be accessed from the west end via stairs or the elevator in the Beebe building. At the east end of the skywalk is the Fireside Room and the Carman Center.

To get from there to a visitation on the Health Center first floor or to the lower level, the elevator can be used. The KEYPAD ACCESS IS ONLY REQUIRED AT THE FIRST FLOOR TO GET ON THE ELEVATOR.

In other words, you can get off on the first floor without restriction, but you will need the assistance of a staff member with the keypad code to get ON the elevator at THE FIRST FLOOR. This provides protection to residents living in the Health Center who could accidentally wander onto the elevator and then get lost.

– Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director