We know a wide range of social, spiritual, and recreational activities is important to your quality of life!
The majority of residents at the Mayflower live independently. They pursue their interests and hobbies, voluntarily contribute their time and talent to church and community projects, and continue doing whatever appealed to them prior to moving to the Mayflower.
It’s no surprise, then, that, given their varied backgrounds and interests and their desire to live active and productive lives, they highly value opportunities for recreation and social gatherings.
- Arts and crafts
- Attending plays in Des Moines
- Bell choir
- Big-screen sporting events
- Book club
- Hymn Sings
- Music in Central Park
- Exercise groups, Senior Strength, Senior Aerobics,
- Flower and vegetable gardens
- Grinnell College concerts and lectures
- Indoor miniature golf, pool table
- Special Events
- Off-campus day trips
- Poetry club
- Senior education programs
- Sing-for-fun group
- Shrimp Boil
- Table tennis, croquet, horseshoes,
- Water aerobics (Grinnell College pool)
- Special programs, lectures, and live music
- Weekly grocery and Errand trips
- Weekly Devotional and Bible Study Group
- Weekly movies on the big screen