Author: mayweb

Penguin on ice graphic

Walk Like a Penguin

It’s wintertime in Iowa. That means the “Ice Age” cometh! Snow. Melt. Refreeze. Rain. Overnight freeze. The Mayflower Community (Grinnell, Iowa) reminds you to take extreme caution walking (and driving, of course) on ice. One fall can put your life in a tailspin…even if you don’t fall on your tail. When walking on ice, keep

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Montgomery building covered in snow

Mayflower Clears the Snow

It happened again! Another big snowstorm hit Grinnell, one of the biggest in the last 10 years. We had eight-plus inches of snow. According to one of our Facilities staff members, “It is hard to tell how much snow we got. In some places, it’s about 8 inches. In other places, it is at least

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Paul and Marie signing up for COVID-19 vaccinations

Vaccinations in Process for All of Mayflower

As of this writing (January 25th), most Grinnell Mayflower Community residents and staff who want a COVID-19 vaccination are in the process of getting it. All but a couple of Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living residents who have doctors’ excuses and all disposed staff have received their first dose. The second dose for this

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Story Circle group via Zoom

Mayflower’s Story Circle Is Back!

On Thursday evening, January 14th, The Mayflower Community revived its popular Story Circle, this time via Zoom. With at least 25 screens tuned in, some with multiple participants, the group met to tell personal short stories. The subject matter was based on Joan Chittister’s book, “The Gift of Years—Aging Gracefully.” Participants were asked to tell

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Julie Smith receives her Covid-19 vaccination

Mayflower Vaccinates for COVID-19

On Thursday, January 15th, The Mayflower Community received COVID-19 vaccines for Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living residents and employees. CVS Pharmacies administered the Pfizer vaccine. All healthcare residents chose to get the vaccine, with the exception of a couple who had doctors’ excuses. About 75% of regular employees were vaccinated or are waiting until

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John and Dorothy receive a cake for anniversary

How Do You Celebrate Your Anniversary During a Pandemic?

Monday, January 4th was the 57th wedding anniversary of John and Dorothy Noer, independent living residents of The Mayflower Community. Their daughter Mary, who lives out-of-town, wanted to celebrate with them. So, she asked Mayflower to bake them a cake AND to bake and distribute special cupcakes to all residents. Mayflower did so. John and

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Sheila Gause Picks up Her Food

New Year’s Eve Treats at Mayflower

New Year’s Eve. The Mayflower Community. Celebration. That all adds up to special food treats last Thursday night. As usual, the Mayflower Bistro was open to serve the sandwich and salad menu along with Mayflower’s homemade pizza. That is how some residents partied. In addition, two special offerings were also available. The Charcuterie (SHärˈko͞odərē) Plate

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Luther & Jenny Erickson Watching HD TV

Mayflower Provides Internet and HD T.V.

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) is now providing high-definition (HD) cable TV and high-speed Internet service to all 275 residents. Mediacom Communications Corp. will supply these services under a long-term contract with Mayflower. The cost is included in residents’ monthly fees at a substantial savings from direct services with either of the two vendors currently

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Mayflower community after snowfall

“Snow and Grass…That’s Why We Live at Mayflower!”

By 8:00am on Wednesday morning, December 30th, after the prior day’s 8+ inch snowfall in Grinnell, snow removal was humming along. The Mayflower Community’s 10 lineal miles of driveways, sidewalks, and parking lots on this 35-acre campus were mostly clear of the heavy wet snow. Snow blowers, blades, sweepers, scoops, and shovels in the hands

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Christmas caroling by the Hendricksons

Caroling in the Mayflower Buckley Courtyard

On December 28th, Mayflower Community resident, Nancy Hendrickson, was delighted to be caroled by a gathering of Hendricksons. Son and daughter-in-law, Mark and Nancy Hendrickson, came by with bunched members of their family to sing Christmas carols to Nancy. As Nancy lives on the first floor of the Mayflower Buckley building with a patio adjoining

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