Kevin Kolbe sharing the story of his Appellation Mountain walk

Kevin Kolbe Talks the Walk

On February 28th, Ramsey-Weeks realtor, Kevin Kolbe, was the featured speaker for The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) weekly “Lyceum” program. Lyceum is Latin referring to an educational setting for discussions and performances. Each week, Mayflower residents coordinate entertainment for residents and their guests. This varies from musical performances, readings, travel videos and slides, informational presentations,…

senior strength training wellness classes

New Wellness Schedule at Mayflower

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) wellness coordinator, Kayley Thompson, has announced new times for wellness classes on The Mayflower Community campus. Active Aging – Assistance in using the Obermiller Center workout equipment. Thursdays; 1:00pm. Health Center lower-level. Senior Strength – Use of various exercise and assistive devices to gain strength, range of motion, and daily…

Community shared agriculture program with Middleway Farms

CSA Delivery to Mayflower

Come hear Jordan Scheibel of Middle Way Farm explain the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) “Farm Shares” program. MONDAY, MARCH 18th, 3:00 – 4:00pm. Mayflower’s Kiesel Theater (lower-level Pearson building, 616 Broad Street). Jordan will be accompanied by some Mayflower Residents who have participated in Middle Way Farm’s CSA program. Middle Way Farm is a transitioning…

Laura Tuggle playing harp

Harp Music for Relaxation

Laurel Tuggle with the Grinnell Arts Council’s Music + Health program, played Celtic music on the harp at the Mayflower on February 28th. Laurel fell in love with the harp at age 7 when, traveling with her family to Ireland, she watched a majestic (velvet gown!) harp player perform at a castle medieval banquet. Returning…

Mayflower story time - Anne Sunday telling her story

Oh, Can Mayflower Residents Tell Stories!

On February 25th, residents of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) shared a light supper of homemade soup and fixings in the snow-backdropped Buckley Dining Room. Then, they warmed up with each other’s stories of their youth. Neighborhood. Town. Friendships. School experiences. Expectations. A number of interesting revelations were made. These experiences shaped many speakers’ lives.…

Food Services Director, Scott Gruhn with his food services staff members

Who Is Scott Gruhn?

Mayflower’s Scott Gruhn (rhymes with “swoon,” like people do with his food!) is the architect of Open Dining for residents in independent living and nursing care. In Grinnell, Scott’s name is synonymous with great food, quality presentation, and cordial catering. Scott has held the position of Food Service Director at The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA)…

kitchen illustration for open dining concept remodel

Open Dining…It’s Coming!

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell, Iowa) is in the process of a $500,000 remodeling project to convert kitchens into fully-functioning preparation and serving facilities for the Health Center and for the independent living Buckley Dining Room. The Beebe Assisted Living kitchen will be converted at a later date. Currently, all hot and cold meals are prepared…

Alicemary Borthwick, Art Heimann, Merle Zirkle, Nancy Hendrickson, Jo Entwisle, Dorothy Christinson, Lyle Kuehl, John Noer, Dorothy Noer, and Netia Worley enjoying Koffee and Konversation

Connecting Over Coffee

Every Friday morning, a group of Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) residents gathers over refreshments in what is called “Koffee and Konversation.” Typically, one person will bring a subject for discussion. Recently, it was, “So, what do you do on a snowy day when you can’t go outside.” These are creative residents! Pictured above in the…

Little brown church illustration

Today’s Tickle

Mayflower posted information yesterday about the annual election of officers and committee members by the Mayflower Residents Association (MRA). The incoming MRA President is “Linda Myren.” A reader raised a question in the comment section of this post. This is what followed: Facebook Reader: Linda Myren. Why is that name familiar? Mayflower Community Response: Linda…