Residents at Fun Fall Party buffet

Fun Fall Party

The Mayflower Residents Association sponsored a “Fun Fall Party” on Thursday, October 8, 2018. The featured menu was a buffet of burgers and brats, tater nachos, all the fixings, and caramel apple sundae desserts. About 75 residents attended and enjoyed the food and comradery. – Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director

UCC Annual Meeting with Brigit and Jonna

Glennon Doyle at UCC Annual Meeting

On Friday, October 12, 2018, Glennon Doyle was the featured speaker at the West Des Moines Annual Meeting of the Iowa Conference of the United Church of Christ. As Mayflower is a ministry of the United Church of Christ, Executive Director, Steve Langerud, and Sales & Marketing Director, Bob Mann, attended the meeting. Doyle is…

mayflower residents standing in front of Boone Scenic Valley Train

They Were All Aboard!

On Saturday, October 6th, 17 Mayflower residents boarded the famous Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad Dinner Train for an excursion over the high bridge on the Des Moines River valley. They saw the changing-color leaves in the Iowa woodlands while dining on a scrumptious white-tablecloth meal of Iowa chop, veggie lasagna, chicken marsala, prime rib,…

Students and residents walking

Healthy Walkers

On Wednesday, October 3, 2018, Mayflower residents and staff joined with Davis Elementary School students to participate in the statewide “Healthiest State Initiative” to walk around the campus. Over 50 Davis 4th graders and teachers accompanied about 40 Mayflower Health Center, Beebe Assisted Living, and independent living residents and staff for the five-block walk. It…

harold tindall posing in front of davis elementary school at 104

Harold Tindall Turns 104

On September 23, 2018, Harold Tindall celebrated his 104th birthday. A native of New Jersey, Harold moved into a Mayflower Community apartment in the Edwards building in March 2007. In August 2017, Harold subsequently moved into an apartment in the Beebe Assisted Living building, his current home. Born and raised on a dairy farm in…

doug and lorna caulkins

Doug and Lorna Caulkins Receive Prestigious Honor

Congratulations to Mayflower Community residents, Doug and Lorna Caulkins who have been named the 2018 recipients of the Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation Connie Marshall Spirit of Giving Award. The Foundation annually bestows this honor, which “celebrates an individual or couple with a lifetime of service to others through individual endeavors and through overall community involvement.”…

Grinnell College Volunteers

Mayflower Continues Community Interaction, With Help of Grinnell College Volunteers.

On August 17, 2018, an energetic group of Grinnell College Residence Life Coordinators in training for the 2018-19 school year came to the Mayflower campus for volunteer work. Some served as “Techie Tutors,” assisting residents in navigating their electronic communication devices. Others, pictured above, helped stage a “carnival” of activities for residents of Mayflower’s Health…