Category Archives: Posts

Ralicam image

“Railcam” Installed on Mayflower’ Railway Express Building

As a result of the efforts by “Steel Highway Railcam” and Mayflower’s Jack Morrison, Director of Facility Operations, an east-facing video camera has been installed on top of the Mayflower Railway Express building at the southwest corner of 3rd Avenue and Park Street (across the street south from Central Park). When you visit the YouTube

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Mayflower residents toasting with sours

Mayflower’ Beebe Book Club Does Another Book…and Dinner

On Thursday evening, June 2nd, the Beebe Book Club social dinner was held in The Mayflower Community’s J&B Bistro. The Book Club is a function of Mayflower’s Beebe Assisted Living and includes all residents who wish to participate. It was founded in 2021. In April, the group began reading and sharing, “When Harry Met Minnie,”

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Toasting the New York style dinner are, from left, Betty Anne Francis, Laird Keever, Alice Breemer, Joan Mohan

Pop-Up Pizza on Mayflower’s Altemeier Patio

The Mayflower Community independent living residents enjoyed a pop-up pizza party on Memorial Day on the new Altemeier Patio that was installed last fall. Residents, Bob and Barb McConnell, organized the event. Becky Neal provided the photograph. — Bob Mann, Mayflower Sales & Marketing Director

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Bentley, Cooper, Susan, Suzy Raffety

Mini Cooper Visits Mayflower

On Saturday, June 4th, Cooper, the miniature horse, visited Mayflower healthcare residents in the Health Center and in Beebe Assisted Living. Known as “Mini Cooper,” the gentle pony greeted folks and got up close. “Mini Cooper” is owned by Susan Leathem Sanning of rural Grinnell, who is the Associate Dean and Director of Service &

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Deena Wellborn, Betty Anne Francis, Barbara Rosfjord, Joan Mohan, Gene Rohr, and Alice Breemer

Mayflower Beebe Poetry Society Holds 1st Meeting

On May 26th, a group of Beebe Assisted Living residents in The Mayflower Community met in the Beebe Activity Room for the formative meeting of the Beebe Poetry Society. The plan is to hold monthly meetings of the group. The theme for the first meeting was the role imagination plays in poetry. Inaugural members received

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Too Many String Band plays at Mayflower

Too Many String Band Plays Mayflower

On Friday, May 29th, Grinnell’s renowned Too Many String Band played for healthcare residents of The Mayflower Community in the Carman Center. In the accompanying photo, you will note that the band front row is composed entirely of Mayflower residents (from left), Sig Barber, Sandy Moffett, Betty Moffett, and Bob Cadmus. Aren’t we all fortunate

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Mayflower Foodservices staff who prepared the French dinner (left to right): Rosie Mumm, Toni Hamilton, and Jacque Kirby.

Mayflower Presents a French Dinner

On Thursday, May 26th, the Foodservices department of The Mayflower Community prepared and served a special French Dinner. The offering, which was overseen by Foodservices Certified Dietary Manager, Jacob Staroska, included a seven-course meal and beautiful table setting. Components of the menu were: Cocktail Time – French75 Cocktail and Chicken Galantine Hors Oeuvres – Mushroom

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Pauline presenting

Memorial Day Reminiscing at Mayflower

On Monday, May 23rd, Mayflower Community residents enjoyed a presentation by former Activities Coordinator, Pauline McKenna, as she read articles and shared photos and patriotic items to commemorate Memorial Day. As residents reminisced about attending Memorial Day programs years ago, they enjoyed Pauline’s contributions. Included were a Precious Moments doll with a poppy, a GI

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MRA council meeting via zoom

Mayflower Community MRA Council Meets

The Mayflower Residents Association (MRA) held their quarterly MRA Council meeting on Monday, May 23rd via Zoom. This group of officers and standing committee chairs represents the 260 residents of The Mayflower Community, Grinnell IA. The agenda included status reports from each committee regarding their accomplishments and work plans. In addition, the Treasurer’s report presented

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Katie, Pat and Delores enjoying tea and music

Tea, Rolls, and Music at Mayflower

The Community Life and Wellness department of The Mayflower Community hosted a tea party in the Carman Center on Friday, May 20th. Mayflower’s Foodservices department served tea using Scott Gruhn’s fine China collection. In addition, homemade sticky rolls and recorded music topped off the fun. Old time favorites were played, such as “Don’t Sit Under

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