Category Archives: Posts

Dick and Sis Vogel with Kite plaque

Sis and Dick Vogel and Kites Over Grinnell

On Saturday, September 25th, the Grinnell Rotary Club will be holding its annual “Kites Over Grinnell” event in Grinnell at Ahrens Park. It runs from 10:00am to 4:00pm, with a hot dog and chips lunch provided free by the Rotarians. This year’s event is dedicated to the memory of the late Dewey Meyer, Rotarian and

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Kay and Alice Zoom with Cecelia

Zooming In Touch at Mayflower

On Friday, September 10th, two Mayflower residents “zoomed” with Cecelia Bagnoli, who was in her dorm room at the College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio. Grinnell native Cecelia spent the summer working as a Community Life and Wellness coordinator in The Mayflower Community. Having gotten to know Cecelia in that process, Kay Roberts and Alice Breemer

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Linda Myren delivering worship service

Chapel Services are Back at Mayflower

After a year-and-a-half hiatus, due to the pandemic, The Mayflower Community independent living residents are now conducting ecumenical worship services. Because the previous site of Chapel services, the Carman Center, is now being used exclusively for Health Center activities, the multi-purpose Kiesel Theatre in the Pearson building has been retrofitted as the Mayflower chapel. Linda

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Bruce Kriegel honored in ceremony

Bruce Kriegel Honored at GHS Football Game

Friday night, September 10th, was a special night for Grinnell’s Bruce Kriegel at TT Cranny Field, home of the Grinnell High School football team. Bruce was involved in two very special awards. In the “Battle of the Helmets,” a trophy game between the Grinnell Tigers and the South Tama Trojans, Grinnell won 48-20. As a

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Valerie Wedgeworth plays flute for residents

Flutist Plays at Mayflower…For Fun!

Valerie Wedgeworth, a retired accountant from Des Moines, was recently hosted by the Community Life department at Mayflower to play flute for residents. She says that she “…has fun playing for senior living communities. The residents are so nice to play for, and it’s SO fun playing songs to bring back memories.” Valerie has played

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Too Many Strings Band performs in Beebe Circle

Too Many String Band Is Never Too Many For Mayflower!

On Friday, September 3rd, under foreboding and sometimes sprinkling skies, Grinnell’s own Too Many String Band played Mayflower…outside in the Beebe Circle. Residents Sig Barber and Sandy and Betty Moffett were joined by Wait-Lister Bob Cadmus and Mark Laver to entertain hardy residents. The group is a gift to Mayflower and the Grinnell community. —

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Mayflower residents attend pop-up party

Pop-Up Party at Mayflower

On Wednesday, September 1st, residents of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) popped into a “Pop-Up Party” on the west lawn of the Edwards building. “Pop-up?” That’s a concept developed by the Social Committee of the Mayflower Residents Association. It means just stop on by and enjoy some snacks and conversation. The snacks consisted of pretzels

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Pam Vosburg and Denise Smith give presentation on Financial Matters

Mayflower Keeps Residents Informed

On Thursday, August 26th, business managers of The Mayflower Community met with healthcare residents to discuss “Financial Matters.” Chief Financial Officer, Pam Vosburg and Accounting Specialist, Denise Smith, addressed a majority gathering of Beebe Assisted Living residents. Topics included sources of payment, services available, special charges and fees, meal arrangements (all campus dining room meals

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Carolina Klauck Noaves shares trip to Brazil

A Trip to Brazil…Virtually

On August 23rd, Grinnell College student, Carolina Klauck Novaes, shared information about her home country Brazil with The Mayflower Community residents in Beebe Assisted Living and Health Center. The accompanying photos are courtesy of Community Life and Wellness Coordinator, Tracy Woolfolk, who organized the program. Carolina’s home is Porto Alegre, shown in the map in

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Abigail, Doc, Elena, Deena Wellborn, Murphy, and Renee.

Dog Visits at Mayflower

On Monday, August 23rd, The Mayflower Community hosted three dogs in training to become service dogs. Defined by Title II and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, a service animal is any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including

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