Category Archives: Posts

Steve Langerud leads ABI Leadership Iowa

Steve Langerud Leads ABI Leadership Iowa Retreat

On October 1st at the Hotel Pattee in Perry, Iowa, Steve Langerud, Executive Director of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA), led a portion of the Iowa Association of Business and Industry (ABI) development session for the 40 participants in the 2019-2020 ABI Leadership Iowa program. A frequent seminar and retreat speaker, Steve led the opening

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Vote icon

Don’t Miss Your Chance to VOTE!

Have you moved the Mayflower Community recently or changed your address within the campus? To vote in the next election on November 5, you will need to update your voter registration to reflect your new address. If you’re unable to vote in person on November 5, you can request that an absentee ballot be mailed

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Sparky from PALS visits Mayflower Community

PALS Ambassador Visits Mayflower

On Friday, September 27th, Sparky, a 16 year old Yorkie mix from Poweshiek Animal League Shelter (PALS), visited with residents in The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) Health Center. Sparky is the first dog from PALS’ Seniors for Seniors program to visit Mayflower. Blind and mostly deaf, he was surrendered to PALS by his owner who

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Mayflower Ship float being pulled by Lyle and Carolyn Roudabush in the GHS Homecoming Parade

Homecoming Parade Time

On October 3rd, residents from The Mayflower Community excitedly participated int he Homecoming Parade around downtown Grinnell.  The Tigers take on Knoxville High School in tonight’s game. Pictured is the float built by Mayflower residents and being pulled by Lyle and Carolyn Roudabush in their pick-up truck. Walkers distributed treats to on-lookers.  Also in the

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GHS Tiger Football team photo

Mayflower Helps Power Pack Tiger Football

With pasta fare cooked in The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) kitchen, Grinnell High School football players feasted in their locker room before their games on September 6th at home against North Polk of Alleman. The coaching staff has arranged for the high protein meals to sustain the 9th/10h and varsity teams through each game night

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Off to the Races: Front row (l to r) Connie Osborn and Karen Stevenson. Back row (l to r) Linda Myren, Helen Lippincott, and Greg Buntz.

The Weather Didn’t Stop Us!

Off to the Races: Front row (l to r) Connie Osborn and Karen Stevenson. Back row (l to r) Linda Myren, Helen Lippincott, and Greg Buntz. The weather outside was frightful (rainy, cold, windy). That didn’t stop residents, staff, and family members of The Mayflower Community from conducting a venture to celebrate the Healthiest State

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Dr. Pete Marsho demonstrates proper brushing techniques

Saving Smiles

In The Mayflower Community’s Health Center, oral care support is critical for residents who have difficulty brushing their own teeth or caring for their dentures. In recognition of that, periodic training is performed for nursing staff members. On Friday, September 27th, Peter Marsho, D.D.S. of the Family Dentistry practice in Grinnell, spent time with staff

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Dorothy Delk celebrates her 99th birthday.

Dorothy Delk Celebrates Her 99th

On Sunday, September 27th, Mayflower Community resident, Dorothy Delk, celebrated her 99th birthday with a reception in the Buckley Dining Room. As you can see from the photo, she had a good time! A long-time Grinnell resident, Dorothy moved from her home to the Mayflower Health Center in 2014. She had one daughter, who is

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Mayflower Staff receives flu shot

Getting Ahead of the Flu at Mayflower

Oh, the dreaded flu! It is on the way again. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Flu activity in the U.S. is currently low, but flu season is approaching. Now is the time to get a flu vaccine.” The CDC recommends that everyone six months and older get a flu

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John and Pasha Buck and instruments

Big Band Bucks Blowing at Mayflower

Next Monday, September 30th from 3:30 to 4:15pm, Mayflower residents, John and Pasha Buck will be presenting an instrumental performance in The Mayflower Community Carman Center. Their big band music will be numbers such as “Five Foot Two,” “Blue Skirt Waltz,” “Tennessee Waltz,” “Harbor Lights,” “Jada,” “Just Because,” “Among My Souvenirs,” “Blue Hawaii,” and “Now

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