Bev Anderson at Baily Park Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day at Bailey Park

On Friday, May 10th, a number of Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) residents joined a number of grandparents in spending time with Bailey Park Elementary students. The Mayflower residents were “replacements” for students’ grandparents unable to attend. When the call went out for substitute adults, Mayflower, as usual, responded. Pictured is Bev Anderson. When she was…

Poetry Club commermorates Alex Moffet

Mayflower Poetry Club In Memoriam

The monthly meeting of the Mayflower Poetry Club was held on Monday, May 13th. It was a special commemorative session in remembrance of founding member, Alex Moffett, who died in 2009 at the age of 103. The tradition of the Club is that each member brings a poem they have written plus one by another…

Matter of Balance course to prevent fall risks

Get Into “Matter of Balance” at Mayflower

Do you have concerns about falling? Many older adults experience falls and other restrictions of their activities. “A Matter of Balance” is an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. Enjoy learning practical fall prevention techniques and simple exercises to increase flexibility, strength, and balance. During the eight-week structured group intervention course,…

Karen Stevenson celebrating Mother's Day Tea with her 4 daughters

Doing Tea for Mother’s Day

Happy Mothers Day! Working up to this important day of celebration, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) hosted the annual Mothers Day Tea in the Carman Center on Friday, May 10th for Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living residents and their guests. In total 70 women attended, including 34 residents. Sue Drake entertained with piano music…

Mayflower Community Volunteer Appreciation

Mayflower Volunteers Are Appreciated

Annually, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) thanks the many volunteers who provide support to Mayflower residents. Other residents, Grinnell community members, and Grinnell College students help in many ways: Driving, reading, companionship, worship services, audio-visual support. Of significant importance is the Grinnell College “Adopt-A-Grandparent” program, which pairs undergrad students with individual residents for a minimum…

city of grinnell curbside recycling bin

City of Grinnell Curbside Recycling Program

The Grinnell City Council voted Monday night, March 6, 2019, that curbside recycling pick up will be discontinued June 28th. The recycling center at the Public Works Department will be enhanced for citizens to drop off recycling. More information will be forthcoming on the recycling center. In addition, Mayflower will be providing information to our…

145th Kentucky Derby party at Mayflower Community

Kentucky Derby Party at Mayflower

It’s not all fun and games in The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA). Sometimes there is serious learning and big-time betting. Hosted by residents, Suzanne Schwengels and Darwin Kinney, the annual Kentucky Derby party was held May 4th. In addition to mint juleps and our usual fabulous hors d’oeuvres, party-goes bedecked in their best bonnets and…

joint planning session for CNA program

CNA Certification Program Collaboration

Grinnell College, Iowa Valley Community College (Grinnell IA), and The Mayflower Community (Grinnell) are collaborating to train Certified Nurse Aides (CNAs) for life-experience work in healthcare at Mayflower. A certified nurse aide is a person who works primarily in long-term care (nursing facilities) assisting residents with activities of daily living under the supervision of a…