Grinnell College Student’s wellness team planning session
The project centered on experiential community-based learning to answer this research question: “How can Mayflower expand wellness programs for residents and staff?” The student researchers are Maya Adachi and Henry Brannan, both second-year students at Grinnell College.
On Wednesday, May 15th, the students presented the results of the needs assessment that focused on the dimensions of wellness. Their findings will be published and available at a later date. During the presentation, Maya stated that generally speaking, residents are quite satisfied with their own wellness and opportunities for health maintenance. Most important were the varied opportunities for socializing, one of the forces that helps to maintain emotional as well as physical health.
Further, many residents stated that they were drawn to live at Mayflower because of the residents already living there. Symbiotic relationships seemed to enhance wellness. The biggest challenge was the effect of transitions as they age. Recommendations for wellness enhancements will be forthcoming.
Professor Roper, an Associate Professor of Anthropology, is the Director of the Wilson Center for Innovation and Leadership.
Pictured above are the team during their initial consultation. From left are Professor Roper; student researchers, Adachi and Brannan; and Mayflower Administrator and Associate Director, Kellie McGriff. The other photo is at the student presentation last Wednesday.
— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director