Grinnell College Students and Mayflower Residents Dine and Converse

On Tuesday, October 26th, Grinnell College students from Professor Alexander McClean’s Social Enterprise and Social Justice Class shared a “Jeffersonian Meal” with residents of The Mayflower Community in Mayflower’s Buckley Dining Room.

Professor McClean is the 2020 winner of the Grinnell Innovator for Social Justice Prize and is the visiting assistant professor of Sociology at the College.

The event was organized by Mayflower resident, Dorothy Noer, who is an auditing student in the class.

Students interspersed with Mayflower residents at the breakfast tables for the discussion event. Professor McClean describes the “Jeffersonian Meal” as a gathering to focus on a single question, which is discussed by all at the table, one speaker at a time in order to share experiences, provide voice to each person, and find common ground.

Participating Mayflower residents included Dorothy and John Noer, Bob Butterfield, Pat and Bonnie Lipton, Kent McClelland, Warren Reinecke, and Gayle Strickler.

See more about Professor McClean and his work at

— Steve Langerud, Executive Director