Looking Scary…Staying Helpful at Mayflower

Sue Drake and Donna Miller

Jacki and Lisa with Carol CrawfordDan the Referee & Lyle the Prisioner




Monday, October 31st, Halloween Day, brought out at least one side of The Mayflower Community residents and staff—their alter ego costumes! Residents set up a “treats” table in front of the Watertower Square building, 625 Broad Street. Some were scary and some were expressions of their inner characters! Meanwhile, all day long, staff dressed up to show another side to their personalities.

Pictured are: Dan Agnew (referee) and Lyle Roudabush (prisoner) dress as their suppressed personalities.
Sue Drake and Donna Miller are “un-wicked witches” as they disperse treats in the Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living. Jacki Hicklin, RN, and Lisa Leris, BSN, RN provide support for Carol Crawford in the old fashioned way.

— Community Life and Wellness Department