Rosie Mumm and Tawyna Rotz with pies

Let Them Eat Pie…At Mayflower!

In a take-off of Marie-Antoinette’s famous quote during the French Revolution, Mayflower suggested on Wednesday, February 9th, “Let them eat pie!” Baked in the Mayflower kitchen, it was a treat. Residents were invited to a “Pie Pick-Up” event to choose pie slices on tables filled with a variety of pies. The choices included French silk,…

Animals of the World jigsaw puzzle

Mayflower Puzzle: Fun and Education

He did it again! Mayflower Community resident, John Noer, has completed another puzzle. This is a 4,000-piece jigsaw accomplishment entitled “Animals of the World.” Made in Taiwan by Yo Gong Fang, the puzzle features fun cartoon characters superimposed on an accurate map of the world. John is working with Jim Beckman, owner of Grinnell’s Beckman…

Buckley DVD Movie Collection

Cozy Up to a Movie at Mayflower

At The Mayflower Community in Grinnell, our DVD collection makes it feel like the Drake Community Library—Downtown South! We have an extensive lending library of DVDs found in the Buckley second floor lounge. The diverse collection was seeded with an initial donation from late resident, Vicki Sopher. Since then, others have donated DVDs to the…

Wendy Abrahamson performs chapel service for Mayflower residents

Mayflower Conducts Weekly Chapel

Grinnell’s The Mayflower Community has re-instituted regular Chapel services. A function of the Mayflower Residents Association, Mayflower’s Spiritual Life Committee coordinates weekly non-denominational services in the Kiesel Theatre for independent living residents. In addition, Mayflower’s Community Life and Wellness staff arrange similar services for Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living residents in the Carman Center.…
