Share Estes checks and before getting in line for his flu shot.

Time to Get Your Flu Shot

Pictured above: Share Estes checks and before getting in line for his flu shot. At the recent Grinnell Regional Public Health flu shot clinic held in The Mayflower Community, approximately 80 Grinnell residents had their flu shots administered by professional staff from Public Health. It is not too late! According to Public Health, the period…

Octoberfest themed dinner at Mayflower Community

Mayflower Does Octoberfest

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) residents and their guests celebrated Oktoberfest, Amana-style on October 24th. The white-tablecloth dinner was served family style in the Buckley Dining Room after a short social time that featured wines and German beer. The dinner menu included appetizers (serving bowls on the tables!) of homemade applesauce, coleslaw, and rye bread.…

Front row (l to r) – Xindi Sun, Jiaya Chen, Tenzing Sherpa, Tino Tonogar, Rey Evans. Back row (l to r) – Steve Langerud, Reus Zhu, John Moreno Vasquez, Marilyn Schuler

Mayflower’s Tekkie Tutors Touted

Residents of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) have the luxury of being supported by young technical minds as they work with their electronic devices. Involved in a Mayflower program called “Tekkie Tutors,” Grinnell College students and Mayflower residents get paired up so that the former can assist the latter use cell phones and computers to…

Mayflower Community Walking Map

Indoor Walking Options

As inclement weather approaches, here are two Grinnell walking exercise options to consider. The City of Grinnell is offering free use of the indoor track at the Grinnell Athletic and Recreation Center (GARC), 1500 Penrose Street, to Grinnell citizens who are 60 years of age and older. When you visit, they will collect contact information…

Thank you Veterans with flags

Veterans Day Commemoration at Mayflower

The Grinnell Historical Museum and The Mayflower Community will team up to provide a tribute entitled “We Care” to veterans, active duty personnel, and their families in celebration of Veterans Day, Monday, November 11, 2019. The lobby of Mayflower’s Pearson building, 616 Broad Street, Grinnell will host a variety of activities. The Historical Museum will…

Professor Ellis (in the middle) provides direction to students with Pasha Buck on her right and Beryl Clotfelter on her left.

Mayflower Residents Talk with College Students

Professor Ann Ellis, PhD brought 13 Grinnell College students to The Mayflower Community on Wednesday, October 16th to participate in small group discussions with Mayflower residents. As an assignment for Professor Ellis’ Adult Development class, the students gathered information about how cultural changes have impacted the lives of the 14 residents who attended. Specifically, residents…

Carina Willson visiting with Mayflower Residents

Grinnell College AmeriCorps Volunteer Comes to Mayflower

Carina Wilson is the new AmeriCorps Service and Social Innovation Coordinator assigned to Grinnell College’s Center for Careers, Life, and Service (CLS). Carina will be spending time in The Mayflower Community and other community organizations, working on community building with a focus on intergenerational, community, and college engagement. A Denver, Colorado native, Carina in her…

Mayflower residents visit the Old Creamery Theatre

Mayflower Excursion to The Old Creamery Theatre

Traveling aboard The Mayflower Community (Grinnell) “Lester the Bus” on October 10th, 15 residents and staff attended the “Mamma Mia!” performance at the Amana Colony’s Old Creamery Theatre. According to those attending, “The music was fun and the acting first-class.” Presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI), the show is a “jukebox musical,”…
