Warren Louden's Memorial Peony Bush

A Tribute to Warren Louden

Local citizen and retired farmer, Warren Louden was an avid gardener. Below is pictured a tribute to his work on the Mayflower campus—a flowering peony bush. Born on a farm in Jasper County, Warren and wife Kathryn farmed 54 years in the Newburg area. They moved to a Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) apartment in 1994.…

Kenny Steffens joined by Scott Gruhn and Jack Morrison at his retirement party

Kenny Steffen Gives 22 Years to Mayflower

After 22 years working on the Facilities staff of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA), Kenny Steffen retired on Friday, May 31st. He served as an electrician, HVAC specialist, and general repairperson. One of Kenny’s specialties was installing showers in Mayflower’s traditional apartments. All were built originally with bathtub/showers. Over time, Kenny has helped replaced all…

Jackie Hutchison, a licensed physical therapist

Wellness Information Sessions at Mayflower

During the month of June, Grinnell’s Mayflower Community will present Thursday afternoon information sessions designed to expand thinking about healthy living alternatives. The gatherings will be offered from 2:00-3:00pm in the Carman Center on the second floor of the Mayflower Health Center, 600 Park Street. There will be no charge for the sessions, some of…

resident Stan Greenwald and wellness coordinator, Heather Coffman

Seniors Fitness Tests Completed

A number of Mayflower Community residents received fitness assessments and wellness recommendations on Wednesday, May 29th. Led by Kayley Thompson, UnityPoint Health-Grinnell wellness specialist, five UnityPoint wellness staff members performed the five-point testing. (Editor’s note: Even though it looks like Stan is trying to talk Heather out of having to do the hard work, he…

Mary Sunday

Remembering Our Mothers

The Mayflower Community hosted one of its regular “Story Circles” on Tuesday, May 7th. In honor of Mothers Day, the theme was “Memories of My Mother.” A number of interesting stories were shared by residents after a supper of soup and sandwich. (Unabashed plug for Mayflower’s homemade soups: They are outstanding and can make a…

Kelly says goodbye to some of the Mayflower resident volunteers who worked with her.

Grinnell Music Therapy in Transition

The program that begin last June to offer music therapy services to Grinnell area residents had a staffing change effective yesterday, May 23rd. Kelly Robertson, Music Therapist—Board Certified (MT-BC), is leaving Grinnell to move with her husband to Seattle, where he has taken an employment position. Through the efforts of the Grinnell Music Therapy Task…

Members of Healthy Grinnell from left to right: Samantha Maly-Schmidt, Grinnell College Student; Steve Langerud, The Mayflower; Dr. Jennifer Paisley, GRMC Internal Medicine; Melissa Dunham, Grinnell Heritage Farms; Bill Menner, GRMC Board Chair; Laurel Tuggle-Lacina, Grinnell Local Foods Connection; Jennifer Havens, GRMC; and Chad Nath, GRMC.

Grant to Support Creation of Community Health Initiative

Pictured above: Members of Healthy Grinnell from left to right: Samantha Maly-Schmidt, Grinnell College Student; Steve Langerud, The Mayflower; Dr. Jennifer Paisley, GRMC Internal Medicine; Melissa Dunham, Grinnell Heritage Farms; Bill Menner, GRMC Board Chair; Laurel Tuggle-Lacina, Grinnell Local Foods Connection; Jennifer Havens, GRMC; and Chad Nath, GRMC. A $50,000 Iowa Healthcare Collaborative grant will…

Senior fitness illustration

Supporting Seniors Fitness

In Celebration of National Senior Health Day, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) will be offering Functional Fitness Tests to its residents on Wednesday, May 29th from 9:00 to 11:30 am. The event will be held in the Montgomery Lounge. The series of tests will assess the functional daily activities of older adults. This is an…
