new kitchen equipment for open dining concept

Open Dining…Getting Close!

Finally, the weather broke, the rooftop snow and ice melted, and the contractors were able to finish the rest of the Health Center kitchen remodeling by cutting out the ceiling vents. Open Dining in our Health Center dining room is getting closer. Now, all the electrical, heating, air conditioning, plumbing, insulation, and flooring infrastructure is…

Shults and Company entertaining Mayflower Residents

Shults & Co. Honor Easter…and Mayflower

Thursday, April 4th, Grinnell’s famed Shults & Company entertained Mayflower Community residents and guests with a medley of Easter songs. Shults & Co have traditionally performed a big blowout, three-night musical gig in April, every other year. This is the “other year.” So, why did they get together, rehearse, and present a meaningful and strong…

Iowa Fraud Fighters Logo

Protect Your Money

Con artists target people age 60 and older, swindling more than 7 million Americans out of almost $3 billion each year. The Iowa Insurance Division supports a program called “Iowa Fraud Fighters.” Here ae some of the precautions they suggest to avoid being swindled: Don’t be a courtesy victim. It’s OK to just say no…

lewis and clark expedition

Sherman’s March…With Lewis & Clark

On March 28th, Grinnell’s Jack Sherman presented the story of his march (and paddle!) along the Lewis & Clark Trail to Mayflower Community residents and guests at their regular weekly Lyceum program. Having always been intrigued by the exploration work of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, Jack decided to travel parts of the National Historic…

Mayflower Residents discuss PBS film Children of Syria, led by Johnny Khuu

Video and Discussion at Mayflower

Last night (March 26th), Mayflower residents had the opportunity to see and discuss a PBS video in our beautiful and comfortable Kiesel Theatre. The movie was “Children of Syria: One Family’s Journey to a New Life.” In the absence of Mayflower resident and retired English professor, Harley Henry, the discussion was led by Johnny Khuu,…

mayflower 5 stars logo

Five Stars. Five Stars! Five Stars!!

As of the most recent rating period, February 28, 2109, the Mayflower Health Center is rated by the Federal government as a Five Star healthcare facility, the highest rating available. The U.S. Depart of Health and Human Services’ Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) instituted the Five Star rating system to assist the public…

Grinnell childrens choir performs at Mayflower Community

Grinnell Children’s Choir Sings for Mayflower

On Friday, March 15th, the Grinnell Children’s Choir directed by Erin Bustin and accompanied by Peggy Parker performed for Mayflower Community residents, guests, and the singers’ parents (!). Beautiful voices. Founded in 2017, the Choir’s mission is to educate choristers in grades K-4 in musicianship, vocal technique, choral skills, and musical interdependence and to instill…

Middle Way Farms Deal Presentation

The Middle Way Farm Deal

On Monday, March 18th, in the Mayflower Community Kiesel Theatre, Jordan Scheibel, owner of Grinnell’s Middle Way Farm, presented information about his Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. During the 2019 growing season—June through October—Jordan will deliver food boxes of fresh vegetables to a pick-up site every Wednesday at 4:00pm. Grinnell residents are welcome to participate…
