mayflower 5 stars logo

Mayflower is Five Stars

The Mayflower Health Center is rated by the Federal government as a Five Star healthcare facility, the highest rating available. The U.S. Depart of Health and Human Services’ Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) instituted the Five Star rating system to assist the public in getting a perspective of nursing facilities. The overall rating…

Mayflower hosted dinner for the Grinnell College Men's and Women's swimming and diving teams.

The Dinner Went Swimmingly

On Wednesday, January 16th, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell, Iowa) hosted the Grinnell College men’s and women’s swimming teams for a nutritious pasta supper in the Buckley Dining Room. The student-athletes were living in their college dorm rooms while most the Grinnell College student body was gone for winter break. Head Men’s and Women’s Swimming and…

Mayflower's monthly themed dining experience - Vietnamese diner

A Taste of Viet Nam

On Thursday, January 17th, the monthly themed meal in The Mayflower Community (Grinnell, Iowa) drew 98 diners for Vietnamese food. The event was sponsored by the Mayflower Residents Association Social Committee and hosted by George and JoAnn Britton. Mayflower’s Director of Food Services, Scott Gruhn, worked with Mayflower’s Resident Intern, Johnny Khuu to develop the…

Lester The Bus Drivers, Montie Redenius; Anne Sunday, Independent Living Activities Coordinator; Karen Phillips; Steve Langerud, Executive Director; Sig Barber; Bruce Voyles; and Judy Hunter

Driven to Lunch!

On Thursday, January 17th, five of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell, Iowa) Lester the Bus drivers were feted to lunch as a thank-you for their volunteer work. Pictured are, left to right, Montie Redenius; Anne Sunday, Independent Living Activities Coordinator; Karen Phillips; Steve Langerud, Executive Director; Sig Barber; Bruce Voyles; and Judy Hunter. Anne and Steve…

Grinnell College Tracksters Mayflower hosted dinner

Running for Dinner!

On Tuesday, January 15th, the men’s and women’s Grinnell College track teams came to dinner in the Mayflower Community Buckley Dining Room. Stranded in the dorms during winter break, the young men and women enjoyed Mayflower hospitality and, of course, outstanding food. On the menu for the 62 guests and hosts were zucchini tofu with…

senior strength training class

Staying Fit

Residents of The Mayflower Community, Grinnell, Iowa are staying fit and flexible by participating in a twice-weekly exercise class called “Senior Strength.” The class is led by certified Wellness Specialist, Kayley Thompson. Kayley, an employee of UPH-Grinnell Regional Medical Center, spends time each week at Mayflower conducting wellness classes. The Senior Strength class starts with…

Rhonda disinfecting the chairs in Buckley Dinning Hall

The Fight Continues

The Mayflower Community is not taking any chances against the flu bug lying around in public areas! Our daily routine includes disinfection of all shared surfaces and special cleaning of common areas. The photo above shows Housekeeper Rhonda Rawlins hard at work cleaning and disinfecting chairs in the Buckley Dining Room. (Just to be clear,…
