Recycling at Mayflower

As of July 1, 2019, the City of Grinnell (IA) no longer provides home pick-up for recyclable materials. The City is accepting qualified recyclables at the Public Service Center drop-off, 1411 – 1st Avenue (east end of 1st Avenue, down the street from Mayflower).

Acceptable items (sometimes referred to as “single stream recycling”) include:

  • White/Colored Papers – junk mail, school papers, envelopes, soft-covered books, and hard-covered books. (It is not necessary to remove staples or cellophane from window envelopes.)
  • Newspapers/Magazines – includes glossy inserts and phone books
  • Shred Paper – in a closed brown paper bag (not acceptable if in a plastic bag)
  • Plastics – numbers 1-7 (screw on lids should be removed)
  • Plastic Lids – numbers 1-7
  • Tins (magnetic) – cans and foil
  • Aluminums (non-magnetic) – pop cans, cat food cans and foil
  • Cardboard – corrugated, cereal/tooth paste/shoe boxes, cardboard egg cartons, brown paper bags – all must be flattened
  • Motor Oil/Antifreeze – must be placed in original container with lid firmly affixed. Place it behind the dumpsters by the shop doors.
  • Glass Bottles & Containers – remove screw on lids
  • Batteries – drop off at Public Service Department office or Drake Community Library (930 Park Street)

Note: Do not leave plastic bags with the recyclables.

Mayflower will handle City acceptable recycle material as follows:

  • Watertower Square – No change. As the building was designed to handle paper, cardboard, and single stream recycling, we will continue to do so as before. No glass.
  • Traditional Campus Apartments – Our staff will continue to pick up cardboard and paper from the marked containers in each building.
  • Harwich Terrace and Traditional Apartments – Either trash your recyclables or bring them to the Facilities building on Mayflower Lane between 1st and 2nd avenues (west edge of Buckley Courtyard). Inside there are two dumpsters. Use the one marked, “Mixed Recyclables Only.”

Excluded from the City’s list (NOT TO BE PLACED IN DUMPSTER) are:

  • Motor oil and antifreeze
  • Glass bottles and containers
  • Batteries

In the past, there have been Boy Scouts pick-up sites for deposit-return bottles and cans. Those are no longer available on campus. There is a chain-link enclosure available for these items on the south side of the Fareway store, west end of lot, 727 West Street.

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director