Dick Schild flanked by son Don Schild and daughter Ann Reinhardt

Dick Schild Turns 100

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) celebrated with Dick Schild and his family on December 14th, the day that Dick turned 100. He is Mayflower’s newest centenarian. (We have two other resident centenarians and two who will turn 100 in 2020.) A reception was held for Dick in the Buckley Dining Room. Attending were Mayflower residents…

Jennie Canfield celebrates her 100th birthday.

Jennie Canfield Turns 100

On Sunday, August 18th, Mayflower Community resident, Jennie Canfield, celebrated her 100th birthday that occurred the next day, August 19th. A reception was held for Jennie in The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) Beebe Assisted Living Dining Room. Jennie, who moved to Beebe from her home in Grinnell, recently moved to Mayflower’s Health Center. Her daughter,…