Mayflower’s Stephanie Haworth, RN, PTA, restorative supervisor, leads hallway exercises.

Yep! Still Here and Thriving at Mayflower

Dealing with social distancing and a no-visitors policy in The Mayflower Community Health Center, might make it seem like a pretty desolate place. Au contraire! There is an abundance of activity…not to mention the natural bonding that develops between staff and residents in times of challenge. There is time in the Health Center Courtyard, which…

Katie Hoisington playing hallway bingo

Then There Was “Hallway Bingo!”

Ask any Mayflower Community resident who lives in the Health Center or Beebe Assisted Living what they enjoy doing most. You will find that second to eating Mayflower’s delicious meals, they will likely say, “Bingo!” So, how do you play a rousing game of Bingo in the midst of social distancing? Easy. You set up…

John Noer on WHO-TV 13 segment

John Noer Made It Big-Time

John Noer, Mayflower Community resident and puzzle-master, finally made it big-time! He was featured last evening on a WHO-TV (Des Moines) new segment. The snippet was about John’s 40,000-piece puzzle in process. Even though she was not mentioned, Mayflower CMA, Hannah Snodgrass, is shown in the video as she referred the story to Channel 13.…