face masks made by Bonnie Morton and Michelle Steffen

Face Mask Makers Donate to Mayflower

A group of craftspeople recently donated 100 face masks and 100 filters to The Mayflower Community to be used in our Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living. The donors were “your friends from BGM elementary (including a bus driver) and Bonnie Morton and Michelle Steffen of Guernsey.” They made the face masks with ties and…

Beautiful greeting cards made by Mayflower resident

Greetings for Isolated Mayflowerians

There is a new group of caring residents at Mayflower. They call themselves “FANS,” Friends and Neighbors of Mayflower. They have made greeting cards for Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living residents who are not able to get out nor be with friends and family. The cards are beautiful! — Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing…

Diana Long with her Easter bonnet and basket.

Wearing Easter Bonnets…At Home in Mayflower

On Easter Sunday, April 12th, residents of The Mayflower Community Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living got to sport new Easter bonnets and hats made by residents of Mayflower’s Watertower Square. The artisans were Nancy Agnew, Barb Lease, Suzanne Schwengels, and Sis Vogel. The Beebe and Health Center residents were given individualized Easter baskets prepared…

Katie Hoisington playing hallway bingo

Then There Was “Hallway Bingo!”

Ask any Mayflower Community resident who lives in the Health Center or Beebe Assisted Living what they enjoy doing most. You will find that second to eating Mayflower’s delicious meals, they will likely say, “Bingo!” So, how do you play a rousing game of Bingo in the midst of social distancing? Easy. You set up…

Norma Veldboom plays Bingo

More Doins’ in Mayflower Healthcare

Residents in The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living homes are finding ways to “socialize at a distance.” This includes playing Bingo (each resident at their own table), being serenaded on the piano by Wilma Graden, and enjoying flowers gifted by an anonymous donor. The individually-wrapped carnations came in a big…

covid-19 graphic

Mayflower’s COVID-19 Preparation

Fortunately, there have been no diagnosed cases of COVID-19 (“coronavirus”) in Grinnell. As of Saturday (March 14th), a case was identified as close as Dallas County, just on the other side of Des Moines. The Mayflower Community is not waiting for the pandemic to reach our city. We are in taking extreme measures to be…

Buckley kitchen tour given by Scott Gruhn

Mayflower Independent Living Kitchen Tour

On Tuesday, March 3rd, The Mayflower Community provided tours of the Buckley kitchen to residents and invited guests This was an opportunity to see how Mayflower has converted the Buckley Dining Room to the new “Open Dining” concept as the result of modifications to the prep kitchen. As a result, meals are available daily from…

Health Center Queen, Katie Hoisington, is accompanied by daughters Sylvia Snyder (left) and Sue Keenan.

Valentine’s Day at Mayflower

On Friday, February 14th, The Mayflower Community celebrated Valentine’s Day in the Health Center and in Beebe Assisted Living by crowning a kind and queen in each community. In Beebe Assisted Living, Frannie Robbins was selected as queen and Gordon VanDonselaar was named king. In the Health Center, Katie Hoisington was crowned queen and Wendell…