Beebe Assisted Living residents work on their gingerbread houses with Girl Scouts in the Activities Room

Mayflower Christmas Gingerbread Houses

In preparation for Christmas, residents of The Mayflower Community’s Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living have made traditional gingerbread houses. Mayflower Activities Director, Chery Nelson has been leading this activity at Mayflower since 2008. Dating back almost 15 years prior to that, Chery first started making gingerbread houses with local first-graders in her native northwest…

Off to the Races: Front row (l to r) Connie Osborn and Karen Stevenson. Back row (l to r) Linda Myren, Helen Lippincott, and Greg Buntz.

The Weather Didn’t Stop Us!

Off to the Races: Front row (l to r) Connie Osborn and Karen Stevenson. Back row (l to r) Linda Myren, Helen Lippincott, and Greg Buntz. The weather outside was frightful (rainy, cold, windy). That didn’t stop residents, staff, and family members of The Mayflower Community from conducting a venture to celebrate the Healthiest State…

Mayflower Nursing Staff

Mayflower Residents Honor Nursing Management Staff

At April 15th’s quarterly Mayflower Residents Association meeting, over 100 residents were introduced to the Mayflower nursing management team. The staff is based in the Health Center and the Beebe Assisted Living facility. Pictured above, from left are: Kellie McGriff, BSN/NHA, Associate Director/Administrator; Tracy Sadler, Facilities Supervisor; Chery Nelson, Activities Director, Tami Lai, RN, MDS…

Beebe Assisted Living King is Chao Huang and Queen Coleen McGriff. The Health Center King is Bernie Ulm and Queen is Miriam Schultz

Celebrating Valentine’s Day at Mayflower

Special luncheons were held in the Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living dining rooms to celebrate Valentine’s Day in The Mayflower Community (Grinnell, Iowa) on February 14th. The menu included pizza, salad, and special cookies. At each event, a Valentine’s King and Queen were coronated. The Beebe Assisted Living King is Chao Huang and Queen…

Gloria Clay voting early

Early Voting at Mayflower

Recently, The Mayflower Community Activities staff assisted Beebe Assisted Living and Health Center residents to cast absentee ballots for the November 6th General Election. Pictured is Gloria Clay making a deposit in the ballot box. Two employees from the Poweshiek County Auditor’s office brought their voting materials and box to Mayflower for the event. 23…

Students and residents walking

Healthy Walkers

On Wednesday, October 3, 2018, Mayflower residents and staff joined with Davis Elementary School students to participate in the statewide “Healthiest State Initiative” to walk around the campus. Over 50 Davis 4th graders and teachers accompanied about 40 Mayflower Health Center, Beebe Assisted Living, and independent living residents and staff for the five-block walk. It…