city of grinnell curbside recycling bin

City of Grinnell Curbside Recycling Program

The Grinnell City Council voted Monday night, March 6, 2019, that curbside recycling pick up will be discontinued June 28th. The recycling center at the Public Works Department will be enhanced for citizens to drop off recycling. More information will be forthcoming on the recycling center. In addition, Mayflower will be providing information to our…

solid wast bin image

City of Grinnell Solid Waste Pick-Up

Curbside pick-up in Grinnell is a’changing. Here is information from the City’s website: “All residents and businesses outside of the Central Business District are receiving rolling solid waste carts this week. Delivery should be complete by the end of the day on April 18th. Collection with the new truck and carts will start the week…