Beryl, Bill, Bob Grey, Luther Erickson, Charlie Duke, Jack Mutti, Bill Pollak, Gene Wubbels, and Gene Rohr meet for coffee via Zoom.

The Mayflower Coffee Group Keeps Talking

With social distancing in place, the Tuesday/Thursday morning coffee group at Mayflower continues to meet. They no longer can gather in person and honor their motto: “Where two or more are gathered, Scott provides coffee!” (“Scott” is Scott Gruhn, Mayflower’s Director of Food Services.) Nevertheless, the group can meet via Zoom®, a video conferencing application…

Alicemary Borthwick, Art Heimann, Merle Zirkle, Nancy Hendrickson, Jo Entwisle, Dorothy Christinson, Lyle Kuehl, John Noer, Dorothy Noer, and Netia Worley enjoying Koffee and Konversation

Connecting Over Coffee

Every Friday morning, a group of Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) residents gathers over refreshments in what is called “Koffee and Konversation.” Typically, one person will bring a subject for discussion. Recently, it was, “So, what do you do on a snowy day when you can’t go outside.” These are creative residents! Pictured above in the…