Deanna McGaffrey with a box of donated cut wood shapes

A Gift to Assist Mayflower Creativity

On March 20th, Deanna McGaffey, made a thoughtful gesture for residents of Mayflower’s Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living: She donated a box full of cut wood shapes to paint and decorate. A woodworker/crafter, Deanna determined that this work of hers could go on giving. She is right! Thank you, Deanna. – Leslie Jaworski, Community…

GMS Students & Ash Play Penny Pitch

Fun Times in the Mayflower Health Center

In the last week, a number of events took place in Mayflower’s Health Center for the benefit of residents. Susie Ford, Mayflower housekeeper, and Dorothy Noer, Mayflower resident, assisted with crafts today. Kathy Locey picked designs to iron on a top. Susie uses a Circut Joy to print transfer designs. Tammy Dufoe , physical therapist,…

Karen Stevenson; Jean Carpenter; Phyllis Munitz; Wilma Graden; Lisa Leris, BSN, RN, Director of Health Services; Susie Ford; Kathy Locey

Mayflower Health Center Crafts and Treats

On Friday, January 6th, residents of The Mayflower Community’s Health Center enjoyed candies delivered in snowmen-decorated containers. The craftwork was compliments of FANS, Friends and Neighbors of Mayflower, and much appreciated. Then, under the tutelage of Mayflower Housekeeper, Susie Ford, Health Center residents decorated colorful bags with buttons brought by Susie. She is a seamstress…

Crafts and puzzles donated in Timer's memory

Timer Memory

On Thursday, August 18th, Steve Cranston represented the Deep River American Legion Post #296 in making a donation to The Mayflower Community in memory of Norman (“Timer”) McCombs. After farming in the rural Deep River area, Timer lived for a period at the end of his life in Mayflower’s Beebe Assisted Living and then the…

Leia Sohn & Netia making buttons

Button. Button. Who Is Making the Button?

On Friday, July 15th, two volunteers from the Grinnell Area Council assisted The Mayflower Community Health Center residents in making buttons. Pictured are Mayflower residents with Zainab Thompson and Leia Sohn, Grinnell College students and volunteers at the Stew Maker Space. — Tracy Woolfolk, Community Life and Wellness Coordinator

Grinnell College students play for residents

College Students Entertain at Mayflower

On Saturday, June 25th, two Grinnell College students volunteered to spend time with residents in The Mayflower Community’s Health Center. Mayflower’s Community Life and Wellness Coordinator, Jessica Hasenyager, was connected to the young women because they are both Grinnell College tennis players coached by her husband Zack Hasenyager, the Head Men’s and Women’s coach. Sabrina…

Beebe Assisted Living residents work on their gingerbread houses with Girl Scouts in the Activities Room

Mayflower Christmas Gingerbread Houses

In preparation for Christmas, residents of The Mayflower Community’s Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living have made traditional gingerbread houses. Mayflower Activities Director, Chery Nelson has been leading this activity at Mayflower since 2008. Dating back almost 15 years prior to that, Chery first started making gingerbread houses with local first-graders in her native northwest…