Mayflower Residents discuss PBS film Children of Syria, led by Johnny Khuu

Video and Discussion at Mayflower

Last night (March 26th), Mayflower residents had the opportunity to see and discuss a PBS video in our beautiful and comfortable Kiesel Theatre. The movie was “Children of Syria: One Family’s Journey to a New Life.” In the absence of Mayflower resident and retired English professor, Harley Henry, the discussion was led by Johnny Khuu,…

Kevin Kolbe sharing the story of his Appellation Mountain walk

Kevin Kolbe Talks the Walk

On February 28th, Ramsey-Weeks realtor, Kevin Kolbe, was the featured speaker for The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) weekly “Lyceum” program. Lyceum is Latin referring to an educational setting for discussions and performances. Each week, Mayflower residents coordinate entertainment for residents and their guests. This varies from musical performances, readings, travel videos and slides, informational presentations,…