Salsa Dance Instructor Silvia Ardila

Salsa Lessons and Dance at Mayflower

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) will be hosting four Salsa dance lessons taught by Silvia Ardila for residents, employees, friends, and other members of the public. The classes will be held on the Buckley patio on four Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30pm, beginning July 23rd. Attendees will learn “Basico” footwork and beginning partner turns/spins, using…

Pollak and Herman exercising in the Obermiller Center

Best Exercises for Seniors

Dr. Julie Broderick provides tips about the best age-related forms of exercise. Dr. Broderick is an Assistant Professor in the Trinity College Dublin Department of Physiotherapy. She holds an honours degree (BSc.) in Physiotherapy, a Masters in Exercise Physiology (MSc.) and a Post-graduate Diploma in Statistics (H. Dip.) from Trinity College. Dr. Broderick has worked…

senior strength training class

Staying Fit

Residents of The Mayflower Community, Grinnell, Iowa are staying fit and flexible by participating in a twice-weekly exercise class called “Senior Strength.” The class is led by certified Wellness Specialist, Kayley Thompson. Kayley, an employee of UPH-Grinnell Regional Medical Center, spends time each week at Mayflower conducting wellness classes. The Senior Strength class starts with…

distance walking for exercised at Mayflower community logo

Mayflower Walking Workout

If you decide to do a New Year’s resolution to walk more, The Mayflower Community is the place to do it…no matter what the weather! As you can see from the map displayed below, there are many places to walk INDOORS. In fact, you can walk four city blocks without backtracking in the hallways, tunnels,…

distance walking for exercised at Mayflower community logo

Indoor Events Hosted Every Week

Every Week! Today, the temperature is dropping, rain is expected to turn to snow, and the wind is gusting. Not a great time to be outdoors—for church or exercise. For those living at Mayflower, our indoor system of tunnels, breezeways, and a skywalk provide a cozy walking path of three city blocks without backtracking. Each…

mayflower residents performing chair yoga exercises

Stret……ch Safely

Local yoga instructor, Kim Weaver, has been offering chair yoga classes at Mayflower for three years. Recognized as one of Grinnell’s outstanding yoga teachers, Kim offers a low-impact program with participants sitting in or standing by chairs. (No trying to figure out how to get up off the floor!) The classes run for 45 minutes…