Matter of Balance course to prevent fall risks

A Matter of Balance to Be Offered at Mayflower

Many older adults restrict their activities because of their concerns about falling. The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) will be sponsoring another session of A MATTER OF BALANCE, an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. Participants enjoy learning practical fall prevention techniques and simple exercises to increase flexibility, strength, and balance. During…

A Matter of Balance

Get Into “Matter of Balance” at Mayflower

Do you have concerns about falling? Many older adults experience falls and other restrictions on their activities. “A Matter of Balance” is an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. Enjoy learning practical fall prevention techniques and simple exercises to increase flexibility, strength, and balance. During the eight-week structured group intervention course,…

Matter of Balance Meets SE*ED

On Monday, July 29th, the UnityPoint Health—Grinnell (UPH-Grinnell) weekly Senior Education Program (“SE*ED”) was presented by Anne Sunday, Independent Living Activities Coordinator for Grinnell’s Mayflower Community and Kayley Thompson, Wellness Specialist for UPH-Grinnell. Both women are certified to facilitate the Area Agency on Aging program, “Matter of Balance. Managing Concerns about Falling.” This eight-week class,…

Matter of Balance course to prevent fall risks

Matter of Balance Meets SE*ED

Pictured above: Kayley Thompson (left) and Anne Sunday lead a Mayflower Matter of Balance through warm-up exercises. On Monday, July 29th, Anne Sunday, Mayflower Independent Living Activities Coordinator, and Kayley Thompson, UPH-Grinnell Wellness Specialist, will present “Matter of Balance” at the weekly Senior Education Program (SE*ED). The hospital’s long-standing SE*ED program, offers free health-related and…

Mayflower's Senior Strenght Group

Mayflower’s Senior Strength Group Marks One Year

The twice-weekly exercise gathering of approximately 25 Mayflower Community residents celebrated their one-year anniversary this week. Led by Kayley Thompson, UPH-Grinnell Regional Medical Center Wellness Specialist, the Senior Strength group has spent a few hours together each week hardening and fall-proofing in the Mayflower Sports Room, lower level of the Health Center. The group is…