Gene Rohr book of poetry

Book of Poetry Released at Mayflower

On Monday, November 20th, an event was held in the Beebe Assisted Living Activities Room at The Mayflower Community to introduce a book of poetry compilation. The works were by late resident, Gene Rohr, and collected and printed by current resident, Tom Moore. Gene was a member of the Mayflower Poetry Club. Member Tom invited…

Gene Rohr Donates Pakistani Tapestry

Mayflower Resident Donates Tapestry

While living and working in Cairo, Egypt from 1980 to 1982, Gene Rohr purchased a silk embroidered wedding shawl. A Grinnell native, Gene is a resident in Mayflower’s Beebe Assisted Living. He shares that he bought the shawl and other textiles from an itinerate merchant named Amerigo who was originally from Colombia, South America and…