Pop-up party at Jewel Garden

Popping Up At Mayflower

On Friday, September 6, 2019, the Mayflower Residents Association hosted a “pop-up party” during cool, inviting weather. Held in the beautiful Jewel Garden on the west side of the new Watertower Square apartment building, residents enjoyed conversation and a glowing fire pit flame. The event was announced at the last minute—that’s how it works with…

Staff members from the health center

Mayflower’s Labor Honors Labor Day

Mayflower staff members make a difference in residents’ lives. Why? Because our motto is, “Do the right thing.” We know that it makes a difference. Recently, we received a letter from a family member of a resident who spent last days in our Health Center. It said, in part, “Although many were puzzled by [loved…

A Matter of Balance

Get Into “Matter of Balance” at Mayflower

Do you have concerns about falling? Many older adults experience falls and other restrictions on their activities. “A Matter of Balance” is an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. Enjoy learning practical fall prevention techniques and simple exercises to increase flexibility, strength, and balance. During the eight-week structured group intervention course,…

Greeting Cards display at the Mini Gift Shop

What’s New in Mayflower’s Mini-Gift Shop?

The Mayflower Residents Association operates a “Mini-Gift Shop” on the lower level of the Pearson building, 616 Broad Street, Grinnell, Iowa. Last week they conducted a highly successful half-price sale. Now, they are restocking. You might be interested in a bag chair, ideal for tailgating. How about a collection of ladybugs…not live, but candles, decorated…

Parkinson's Awareness logo

Dealing with Parkinson’s Disease

In conjunction with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) will be hosting three 45-minute sessions about Parkinson’s disease. This interactive program is designed to help participants recognize and understand Parkinson’s and learn therapeutic activities that can be used in the home. Entitled “A Journey through Parkinson’s Disease,” the offering will…

Mayflower American Mahjong players

Mahjong at Mayflower

The regular American Mahjong players welcomed a visitor in The Mayflower Community on Monday, August 19th. The two tables of players who play weekly in the Buckley building third floor lounge had a visitor, Gladys Beauboeuff of Miami Florida. She is the mother of Tamara Beauboeuff, the new tenured professor and Louise R. Noun Chair…