Connie Osborn and her son Rick at the APDA conference.

Author Connie Goes to Conference

On Friday, June 14th, budding Grinnell author, Connie Osborn, spent an enjoyable day at the annual conference of the Iowa Chapter of the American Parkinson’s Disease Association. The event was held at the Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines and featured information sessions along with vendor’s tables. As pictured above with son Rick…

Andrew Dunham

Mayflower Wellness Month Session #3: Food As Medicine

The third session in the series of four presentations of “healthy minds/healthy bodies” information at The Mayflower Community will feature Dr. Jennifer Paisley, a local M.D. and hospitalist, and Andrew Dunham, a local organic farmer. Based at UPH-Grinnell Regional Medical Center, Dr. Paisley specializes in internal medicine and pediatrics. She is certified in obesity medicine.…

Salsa Dance Instructor Silvia Ardila

Salsa Lessons and Dance at Mayflower

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) will be hosting four Salsa dance lessons taught by Silvia Ardila for residents, employees, friends, and other members of the public. The classes will be held on the Buckley patio on four Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30pm, beginning July 23rd. Attendees will learn “Basico” footwork and beginning partner turns/spins, using…

Gretchen Schreiner; Nicky Midlash; Katelle Donkor; and Mary Jane Shroyer, Grinnell College Director of Health Professions Community; and (back row) Vickie Wieck, RN, Mayflower Associative Director of Nursing; Kevin Gubner; Elizabeth Wesselborg; Katherine Tomczik; Kellie McGriff, BSN, Mayflower Associate Director/Administrator; Bella Butzirus; Linda Peng; Alyssa Hyndman; Sterling Yang; and Cheryl Little, Iowa Valley Director of Health Education

Grinnell College Students Complete CNA Work

Thursday, June 13th marks the final day for classroom and clinical work for the nine Grinnell College students who have been on an intensive Mayflower Community training program to be certified as Nurse Aides (CNA). The nine underclassmen were chosen to begin training on May 20th under the tutelage of Vickie Wieck, RN, Mayflower Assistant…

rose strip along the north end of Mayflower Lane

Mayflower Gardens and Roses

Talk about blooming! In addition to the five other beautiful gardens on the Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) campus, there are two specialty gardens that are lush and budding. As pictured above, the rose strip along the north end of Mayflower Lane is vibrant with a variety of rose colors. This rose garden originally was developed…

Americorps candidates

AmeriCorps Training at Mayflower

On Friday, June 7th, 45 new AmeriCorps volunteers received training over lunch in the Mayflower Community. Under the direction of Grinnell College’s Melissa Strovers and Elizabeth Hansen, the Grinnell AmeriCorps Partnership brings together community non-for-profits, area employers, the Grinnell-Newburg School District, and community volunteers to support kids and families in Grinnell. The partnership aims to…

grinnell college students presenting menus for Mayflower open dining concept

Grinnell College Students Design Open Dining Menu

In preparation for The Mayflower Community’s new Open Dining program, Scott Gruhn, Director of Food Services, worked during the spring semester with a team of Grinnell College students to create a computer application to manage the menu. The students shared their work at an end-of-semester presentation to an audience of other students in the computer…