Pictured are (left to right) Frannie Robbins, Katie Hoisington, Nadine Brouwer.

Still Picnicking at Mayflower

On Thursday, July 22nd, a day before it got hot, and in the shade of the Health Center gazebo, Mayflower’s Community Life and Foodeservices departments staged a barbeque for residents. Hosted by Tracy Woolfolk and Katie Pikul, Community Life coordinators, and Jacob Staroska, Foodservices Supervisor, a number of residents enjoyed the food and conversation. Pictured…

Easter lillies planted on the corner of Buckley Hall

Easter Lilies Live on at Mayflower

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) is lush with gardens. There are the Buckley Courtyard gardens and ponds, the Watertower Square Jewel Garden, the Pearson/Edwards Sail Garden, the Health Center eastside gardens, the Montgomery “Secret Garden,” the Fellowship of Givers rose garden, plus many gardens developed by Mayflower residents around their traditional apartments, Watertower Square apartments,…