face masks made by Bonnie Morton and Michelle Steffen

Face Mask Makers Donate to Mayflower

A group of craftspeople recently donated 100 face masks and 100 filters to The Mayflower Community to be used in our Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living. The donors were “your friends from BGM elementary (including a bus driver) and Bonnie Morton and Michelle Steffen of Guernsey.” They made the face masks with ties and…

Jason Bellinger, Food Service staff member wins Mindy's Meals gift card

Mindy’s Does Meals for Mayflower

Mindy Kriegel, Owner of Mindy’s Meals in Grinnell, is working to take care of healthcare staff in the Grinnell community in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mindy decided to donate five $25 gift cards to Mayflower Community employees who provide support to local seniors. Mindy talked with Mayflower about ways that she could “pay…

Beautiful greeting cards made by Mayflower resident

Greetings for Isolated Mayflowerians

There is a new group of caring residents at Mayflower. They call themselves “FANS,” Friends and Neighbors of Mayflower. They have made greeting cards for Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living residents who are not able to get out nor be with friends and family. The cards are beautiful! — Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing…

BJ Hoffman standig with Steve Langerud by Pearson sign

Mayflower Receives Homemade Masks

BJ Hoffman is pictured with Steve Langerud, Executive Director of The Mayflower Community. BJ today (April 17th) donated and delivered 50 homemade facemasks. BJ is a good friend of Lisa York, sister of Mayflower’s Associate Director/Administrator, Kellie McGriff. Connections! He is a Hardin County Supervisor and an RN and EMT. In addition, BJ has a…

lucky cat coffee and gifts staff packing up baked goods

Lucky Cat Coffee Pick-Up for Mayflower

When Shelley Meier Henne of Longmont, Colorado had a recent phone conversation with Kellie McGriff NHA, BS, the Associate Director/Administrator of The Mayflower Community, she talked about a third Grinnell High School classmate, Sam Cox. Sam is the owner of Grinnell’s eclectic coffee shop, Saint’s Rest. With the shop currently closed, Sam is serving specialty…

Diana Long with her Easter bonnet and basket.

Wearing Easter Bonnets…At Home in Mayflower

On Easter Sunday, April 12th, residents of The Mayflower Community Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living got to sport new Easter bonnets and hats made by residents of Mayflower’s Watertower Square. The artisans were Nancy Agnew, Barb Lease, Suzanne Schwengels, and Sis Vogel. The Beebe and Health Center residents were given individualized Easter baskets prepared…

Mayflower’s Stephanie Haworth, RN, PTA, restorative supervisor, leads hallway exercises.

Yep! Still Here and Thriving at Mayflower

Dealing with social distancing and a no-visitors policy in The Mayflower Community Health Center, might make it seem like a pretty desolate place. Au contraire! There is an abundance of activity…not to mention the natural bonding that develops between staff and residents in times of challenge. There is time in the Health Center Courtyard, which…

Marge and John Graves share greetings with Dorothy Christinson in the background

Hallway Greetings at Mayflower

Pictured above: Marge and John Graves share greetings with Dorothy Christinson in the background. Not to be hampered by the preventative measures during this COVID-19 pandemic, independent living residents of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) have found a way to keep in touch….while staying socially distant. Residents of the 3rd floor of the Buckley building…