John Noer on WHO-TV 13 segment

John Noer Made It Big-Time

John Noer, Mayflower Community resident and puzzle-master, finally made it big-time! He was featured last evening on a WHO-TV (Des Moines) new segment. The snippet was about John’s 40,000-piece puzzle in process. Even though she was not mentioned, Mayflower CMA, Hannah Snodgrass, is shown in the video as she referred the story to Channel 13.…

John Noer getting ready for his next 40,000-piece puzzle.

40,000 Piece Puzzle…Sure. Sure!

He’s doing it again! After recently completing a 9,000-piece jigsaw puzzle, Mayflower Community (Grinnell, Iowa) resident, John Noer, just acquired a 40,000-piece puzzle. Having nothing to do for the next couple of years, he may be able to come up with the 22-foot long creation. Standing six feet tall, the puzzle depicts vivid Disney® characters…