first flowers of the summer

Park and 1st Flowers and Grass

From the street, it might seem to be just a bunch of tall grass. But, according to one of Mayflower’s residents, the flower patch growing at the southeast corner of Park and 1st, is a “…wildflower mini meadow.” The Mayflower Community is fortunate to have its Gardens and Grounds operation headed by Supervisor Ben Pearce…

New marigolds in the Pearson Circle Drive

Spring Flower Planting at Mayflower

The Mayflower Community grounds and flower beds are coming to life….after all it is finally spring! In the accompanying photos, Ben Pearce, Mayflower’s Grounds and Gardens Supervisor, and Les Hall, Grounds and Gardens Assistant, are planting marigolds and petunias at the entrance to the Pearson building cul-de-sac. — Bob Mann, Mayflower Sales & Marketing Director