Ryan Dahlby Albright entertains at Lyceum

Dr. Dahlby Albright Entertains at Mayflower

On Thursday evening, February 9th, The Mayflower Community Lyceum hosted over 60 attendees. The Lyceums have now been opened to guests of residents. Ryan Dahlby Albright, M.D. sang and played guitar with selections from Taylor Swift, John Denver, Arlo Guthrie, Elvis, and other well-known and loved artists. The video is located on the Mayflower Residents…

County Line Band Crowd

Enjoyable Music in The Mayflower Community

Residents of The Mayflower Community were treated to the mixed genre of instrumental and vocal music by Fred Buck and the County Line Band on Thursday, February 2nd. The presentation was the regular Tuesday Lyceum offering of the Mayflower Residents Association Events Committee. The Mayflower Lyceum is an entertainment program in the spacious, acoustically-enriched Carman…

Shults and Co performing at Mayflower Communiity

Shultz & Co Does Encore at Mayflower

Thank you, Shults & Co. Thank you, Mayflower Residents Association Lyceum Committee. Because of you, Mayflower Community (Grinnell) residents and guests on February 27th enjoyed an encore performance of last week’s bi-annual Shults & Co Las Vegas Revue. The Carman Center was full as independent living, assisted living, and Health Center residents, family members, and…