Frannie Robbins pops a balloon…and wins a prize!

Mayflower Carnival Time

On Thursday, August 15th, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) held its annual carnival for residents in the Health Center and in Beebe Assisted Living. The Activity staff of Chery Nelson, Director; and Tracy Woolfork, Assistant Director; and volunteers Carolyn Orndorff and Donna Weisskopf, set up the Carman Center with 19 different games played by residents…

Gloria Clay voting early

Early Voting at Mayflower

Recently, The Mayflower Community Activities staff assisted Beebe Assisted Living and Health Center residents to cast absentee ballots for the November 6th General Election. Pictured is Gloria Clay making a deposit in the ballot box. Two employees from the Poweshiek County Auditor’s office brought their voting materials and box to Mayflower for the event. 23…