Enjoying the State Fair luncheon are left to right, starting with Deena Wellborn in red, Carolyn Runyan, Gretchen Isenberg, Norma Veldboom, Sandy Beyer, Marilyn Schuler.

State Fair Picnic at Mayflower

On Wednesday, August 14th, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) put on an Iowa State Fair themed picnic lunch hosted by residents, Stan and Janaan Swann, on behalf of the Mayflower Residents Association. The fare, something like you would feast on trodding down Grand Avenue in Des Moines, was served in the air-conditioned comfort of the…

Mayflower Mini-Gift Shop

Mayflower Mini-Gift Shop Sale

On Friday, August 16th, the Mini-Gift Shop located in The Mayflower Community will be conducting a Half-Price sale for one day only, from 9:30am to 3:00pm. The shop is a function of the Mayflower Residents Association and is located in the lower level of the Pearson building, 616 Broad Street, Grinnell, Iowa. In business for…

recycling logo

Recycling Is Alive at Mayflower

Recycling is working in The Mayflower Community. When the City of Grinnell ceased pick-up of single-stream recycling July 1st, Mayflower put into effect a campus recycle alternative. For our Watertower Square residents, nothing changed. We are still collecting single stream recycle as well as cardboard in the building. The building was designed with trash and…

Standing on the site of the two planned homes are Langerud, Morrison, and Mann. Other Harwich Terrace homes are shown across State Street to the west.

Mayflower Will Build New Homes

Steve Langerud, Executive Director of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA), announces that two free-standing Harwich Terrace patio homes will be built. Beginning in late 2015, Mayflower began filling the 26 contemporary apartments in the new Watertower Square building on Broad Street between 1st and 2nd avenues. Langerud shared that “During this period, Mayflower suspended the…

This summer, The Mayflower Community Health Center is experiencing the enthusiasm of young, dedicated certified and licensed staff. Besides earning college tuition, they are gaining “experiential learning” experience. Typically, graduate medical schools require 2,000 hours of health-related work experience as part of post-grad studies in medicine. In addition to the members of the Grinnell College student class that trained to become Certified Nurse Aides (CNAs) on the Mayflower campus last June, there are also five CNAs and two Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), who will be pursuing further studies in science this fall. Pictured below are five of the undergraduate students with three experienced CNAs who are serving as their mentors. The mentors in the front row, left to right are Nely Dayton, Wendy Parrott, and Crystal Carman. The undergrads in the back row, left to right are Nicky Midlash, Catherine Cogley, Kate Tomczik, Albiona Limani, and Jessica Moore. Nicky, from Hinsdale, Illinois, is a student at Grinnell College majoring in psychology. He plans to continue schooling to become a Physician’s Assistant. Nicky sees the Mayflower CNA experience as a “place to help and develop around great people.” Catherine is a Grinnell High School grad attending William Jewel College in Liberty Missouri. With her major of biochemistry, she is planning to attend medical school. The Mayflower experience? “It has shown me what nurses and nurse aides deal with every day.” Kate Tomczik is a second-year at Grinnell College from St. Cloud, Minnesota. She is playing a lot of basketball for the Pioneers while studying biology and studio art. Where will this all take her? She is hoping medical school. In the meantime, “I have learned lots from the residents through their stories.” Albiona is a Grinnell High grad studying biology at the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls. She plans to head to Physician’s Assistant school upon graduation. Besides providing “direct patient care” hours for grad school, the Mayflower experience has provided her “…more knowledge about taking care of people. Jessica was an all-state track and diving performer at Grinnell High before heading off to St. Louis University to study biology. She is still running and jumping, now with the Billikins, as she prepares to go to Physician’s Assistant school post-grad. With just a bit of enthusiasm, Jessica observes, “I like the people that work here, and the residents are awesome!” Other locals working this summer in the Mayflower Health Center include: • Jarrett Rose, Grinnell High, is a sophomore studying pre-med at Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota. • Courtney Anderson, South Tama High, is studying for a bachelor’s in nursing at the University of Minnesota State, Mankato. • Other Grinnell College students from our summer CNA class who have started working this summer are: o Bella Butzirus – Lived around the world with Navy father, graduating from Nile E. Kinnick High School, Yokosuka, Japan. A 4th-year, Bella is working on a Mentored Advanced Project studying “Junk Food Nutrition” with rats and planning on medical school after graduation. o Linda Peng – Cedar Falls High, Cedar Falls, Iowa, is a 2nd year studying biochemistry and undecided about post-grad plans. o Gretchen Schreiner – Grand Forks, North Dakota, is a 4th year sociology/biology major with pre-health and neuroscience concentration, planning on PhD or medical school. In addition, she is planning to conduct a sociology study with Mayflower residents. Two employees are headed for nursing school in the fall at Marshalltown Community College: • Taylor Kirby, LPN, Grinnell High, is working on her registered nurse degree. • Cheyenne Klos, Montezuma H.S. grad, will be testing for LPN licensure and is currently on active Army reserve duty. She will begin registered nurse degree studies. When school resumes in the fall, the Grinnell College students will be working part-time in the Health Center, as their schedules permit. The students attending out-of-town colleges will work at Mayflower when they are home for breaks. Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director

College Student CNAs and LPNs at Mayflower

This summer, The Mayflower Community Health Center is experiencing the enthusiasm of young, dedicated certified and licensed staff. Besides earning college tuition, they are gaining “experiential learning” experience. Typically, graduate medical schools require 2,000 hours of health-related work experience as part of post-grad studies in medicine. In addition to the members of the Grinnell College…

Matter of Balance Meets SE*ED anne sunday and kayley thompson

Farnum Family Entertains Mayflower

On Thursday, July 31st the Farnum Family band treated over 70 Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) residents and guests to an hour of bluegrass, gospel, folk, Irish, and Western music. On their way to the county fair in Albert Lee, Minnesota, the parents and four kids stopped to entertain because a family member lives in Mayflower’s…

Matter of Balance Meets SE*ED

On Monday, July 29th, the UnityPoint Health—Grinnell (UPH-Grinnell) weekly Senior Education Program (“SE*ED”) was presented by Anne Sunday, Independent Living Activities Coordinator for Grinnell’s Mayflower Community and Kayley Thompson, Wellness Specialist for UPH-Grinnell. Both women are certified to facilitate the Area Agency on Aging program, “Matter of Balance. Managing Concerns about Falling.” This eight-week class,…

Mayflower residents John and Pasha Buck hosted “The Village People” for lunch in the Mayflower J&B Bistro

The Village People Come to Mayflower

On Friday, July 26th, Mayflower residents John and Pasha Buck hosted “The Village People” for lunch in the Mayflower J&B Bistro. This group did no singing, even though John and Pasha could have easily accompanied them on their instruments. The Village People were visitors from The Village, a WesleyLife Community in Indianola. John and Pasha…